Daughter's father
2020-09-30 21:04 ≈ 277Words ≈ 1Minutes


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He always hides in his room and smokes
Don’t let me in
But I always feel that his room has a kind of taste
I like the taste
Of course it is obviously not fragrant

So I opened the door again and again
Smiled and walked in
Very likely he will let me out
But after a few attempts, he will
Tolerate me staying beside

Every time i will
Be careful to keep quiet
So I can stay longer
But more often
I hope he can look at me
So deliberately made some sounds
Of course, the result of this is that I am going out again

I told to my friend said
I have a dress of night Loli
No where you can buy
I will wear it for you

but I know
He won’t do it for me
And this dress is really no where can buy
So I had to learn to do it myself

One month later
He told me
Let me do it for you

Then something magical happened
He actually knows how to make clothes
Isn’t it only a girl can do this?

He doesn’t seem to be proficient
But the dress are done
But he keeps saying it’s not good
But I think it looks pretty

He is angry
He wants to dismantle the dress
I anxiously told him to stop
I think this is good

What did he realize
Then explain to me
Hope to do it again
I don’t think it is necessary
Just yell him you give it to me

I can see that he is very upset
He shut himself into the room again
I looked at the familiar blue door
And the dress on my hand

I feel very happy
I hope to be so happy all my life