Consciousness | Sharo Double Tree Garden
1997-07-29 12:36 ≈ 204Words ≈ 1Minutes


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—Written in the summer of 1997, written for Saint Seiya Nakasaka in Saro Double Tree Garden

Sharjah | Garo Double Tree Park


The earth, the sun, and even the entire universe will have a day of death. Life and these scores are just a short moment. In this moment, smiling, crying, struggling, hurt, happy, sad, who you like, who you hate, Everything is a short meet, no one can escape eternal sleep.

Rather than crying, hurting, sad, hating, I would rather smile, struggle, be happy, and like. Everything we encounter in this short moment, no matter good or bad, will not change because of our emotions. Therefore, I choose to face it happily and enjoy this moment full of joy, and when you start to enjoy some, you will find that all bad things have changed.